(Been putting off writing this article...as dunno whether can capture the experience, the adrenaline, heart-stopping, heart-wrenching moments like it was. Anyway here goes...)
Of all the sports that Kor-Kor picked to join...
He picked one that the school is most passionate about (cos like they are winning championship & stuff)...
He picked one that the coaches are so driven that they have classes even during the school holidays...even up to Dec!
He picked one that the students need to pass a TEST to get to the next level!!! *bang head! bang head! bang head!* (What happen to just having fun, oopps, wrong sports...)
And he picked one that his mommy had no idea what & where. But then again, he could pick any sports that have anything to do with a ball...& his mommy would be blur sotong!
Kor-Kor came back one day a couple of weeks before with a notice written in Chinese - Basketball test???, I scratched head. "Must get 150 marks to pass" I counted. 9 activities. 30 seconds each. Jialat!
(Actually, they had held similar event in Aug, but as I was preparing for his birthday party, I sent Daddy to cheer. When he failed after half the class passed, Daddy was SACKED!!!!)
Anyway, the test was to be held one week after their final exams. So after his final exam, I asked him to practise every nite. Unfortunately, my boy is perpetually glued to the tv, until I come back to 'unglue' him.
So he did the moves. I counted. (Like moving the ball around the body, ball around head to feet & back, ball between their legs x3, dribbling & running around the cones, shooting hoops, etc. The idea is to do as fast as possible & not to drop the ball. Once drop, the count starts again & if the participant did a few attempts in the 30 seconds, the highest is taken.)
In the week's practice, Kor-Kor kept dropping the ball, particularly those on passing the ball between their legs (there are 3 styles here). So my game plan to him was "CONCENTRATE on not dropping the ball, do slow never mind" I also told him just do his best & if he does not pass, its ok, just stay in Level 1 only loh...(its only basketball mah to us women, rite?)
Comes the day...I was quite shocked. Never seen 7-year old boys so competitive among each other before - after each hurdle, they would compare among each other on who gets the highest!
After 6 events, I more or less know that Kor-Kor's score was not good enough - he dropped his ball at one hurdle & his standing position was wrong for the other, so these 2 hurdles pulled down his overall marks. But I can see that he tried very hard, so its good enough for me already. In fact, I was impressed, as could see that he really put his mind to it.
Then I saw him keep looking down at his score while his friends were comparing animatedly. So I sneaked up to him.
"I only got 87, I cannot get 150 already..." he told me sadly, looking down still. Aiyo, breaks my heart man...
So to hell with the never mind crap, I told him not to think about that, just CONCENTRATE on finishing all events, CONCENTRATE on NOT dropping the ball.
(I must have repeated this like hundreds, bullions even, to him that day. Other parents would probably see a super pushy mommy pushing her kid very hard. But actually...I'm just asking him not to give up!)
2 out of the last 3 hurdles were his weakest - passing the ball between the legs styles. And given that he needed the marks, I nearly pengsan (faint) from holding my breath!
3rd last event....36 marks!!!! Kor-Kor was so happy. Mommy was so bladdy relieved that mommy's heart was still beating.
2nd last event...20 marks!!!! Kor-Kor was ecstatic. Mommy was so, so proud. This was the hardest & I could see him concentrating really, really hard!
Last event was the dribbling & running around the cones - but cannot hit the cones. If hit, marks will be deduced. He needed another 10 or so marks only....OMG! Even my hands were shaking when I held the camera to shoot a pic......
Don't hit the cones....Don't hit the cones....Don't hit the cones!!!
6 years ago
& the cones jumped up to hit mummy instead?
ReplyDeleteOi. Finish the story-lar. *biting nails*
So, did he managed to join the team???
ReplyDeleteI think all Chinese schools treat basketball as one of the most celebrated sport. Even my uncles are so into it that one of them used to be a national youth player yonks ago representing M'sia. And he still play the sport now even in his fifties. Too bad his sons are never keen... they prefer skateboarding instead!
sports only wor, also got test ah? but its a good sports tho, can also grow taller, boy ma,must be tall tall..hehe
ReplyDeleteWah...Chinese School n basketball..dun play play k. My hubs had competitions with them before..wah..I tell you, I cringe everytime he play with them. He so old..they so young..u do the math la.