Monday, April 6, 2009

Mead Johnson Should Be Proud

Do you know how much you spent on your child's milk powder ?

I recently took out all the Mead Johnson's Enfa milk tin foils and bar codes that I have saved (or rather my personal assistant a.k.a maid saved for me) for the past 5-6 years!(Never gotten around to redeem gift from Mead Johnson cos mommy's been too lazy busy!)

Mind you, I think some of your children (which are not on mama's milk) could have consumed more. Kor-Kor, for 1, is such a difficult baby. When he was a few months old, and upto about 2 yrs old, I had to hold the milk bottle in one hand & a toy in the other to distract him, just so he would continue to drink some milk. Even with all this hoopla, he would only drink 4 oz! And that's only 8 oz per day- one shot in the morn & one at nite, cos the babysitter had no patience to keep up this clown act.

Di-Di drank more. After I stopped breastfeeding him at 10 months, he has been drinking holes to our pockets.

That would mean approx. 5 Mead Johnson years from Kor-Kor (start at 1, stop on own accord at 6) & approx. 3 Mead-Johnson years from Di-Di (& still going strong). From that, my collection totals 71 tin foils and 166 bar codes.

Assuming each tin foil/bar code cost circa RM50 (though those 1.4kg Enfagrow cost >RM60 now), Daddy & Mommy had spent......

Why so much ah ? I also don't understand, but I recalculated, really that many tin foils & bar codes wor...(p/s. this can be downpayment for an apartment!!!)


  1. You didn't redeem gifts with these foils and bar codes? Whate a waste huh?

  2. Until now I still din get ard to do it...queen of procrastination! But still not too late...i think.

  3. Wow.. spent so much?
    Actually if I calculate mine.. it's possibly the same.
