Friday, June 19, 2009

Camp 5 Free Trial Climb

During the recent school holiday, 1 Utama had held quite an assortment of activities for kids. One of them was a free trial climb session at Camp 5. I quickly signed Kor-Kor up. The minimum age was 6, so Di-Di would not be able to join in, but the coordinators informed that he can play at the big rock in front of the reception area. Well, that should be good enough to amuse him for one hour!

Both of them have taken to mimicking Spiderman recently (on top of other superheroes *roll eyes*), so I thought this would be SO amusing to watch.

The session started out quite sedately. The kids were geared in first. Then the instructors a.k.a. marshals (as written at the back of their tees) gave them some pointers on the dos & don'ts.

I took to running back & forth between Kor-Kor at the back of the camp & Di-Di at the front of the camp. As seen here, Di-Di got potential to be the next Tom Cruise (as in MI:2?).
Kor-Kor's first attempt - what looks to me like 2nd easiest. I was holding my breath. Unfortunately, this was the highest he was willing to go - no matter how the instructor coaxed him to continue.o_O

However, he gave it another go. So he got back in line to the... easiest! I was holding my breath again.

There was no need as he did good this time & managed to go over the ledge. But before I can say, "That's my boy!", he was holding up the line...

Kor-Kor was too afraid to jump down to the big-big springy cushion on the ground!

After a few other mommies, beside his own, came to give him 'instructions' on how to jump, he managed to gather enough courage to make the leap. Phew!

Next was the climb up the big wall with harness. The kids were instructed to just lean back & go into sitting position (when they have enough of climbing - no pressure, no need to go to the top)so that the safety ropes will take their weight & bring them down.

Do you know how well my boy did? Well, I think he did manage 3-4 FEET!


When the session was over, I whispered to Kor-Kor "Looks like you can't be Spiderman hor..."

He growled! Laughing.

But I tried to mollify "May be with a little more practice then..."

This would go down to being one of the classic 'i-know-my-sons-can't-be-good-at-everything-but-i-still-secretly-would-like-them-to' kind of moments. *Shake head* -at myself, tsk! tsk!

1 comment:

  1. hahah..i like u.. very honest!!!

    boys will be boys. try to be macho..but when it comes to the real thing..they fall apart.

    hahahahahah...mine are so typically like that!
