Thursday, June 25, 2009

Two Toilet Rolls A Day

Grrrrr!!! Geram!!! 'Kek Sei Ngoh'!!! Pissed!!!

When they shot water at and disintegrated one toilet roll during their daytime bath, I already told them off. Sternly.

Then comes night time bath, when I was cleaning up after dinner (no more 'tai tai' mah), they had the cheek to do that again. This time up until making paper mache out of the toilet, or is it toilet mache out of paper @#$%^&!!!!!!

The disintegrated toilet paper were plastered everywhere - walls, window, toothbrushes, toilet brushes, floor, clogging the drain like this:

Hello boys, you messed up, mommy have to clean up no auntie or kakak to pick up after you le. Just so you two know when you are older - mommy is giving up a trip to Hong Kong/China & not shipping you to your ex-babysitter or any relative that will have you - just so mommy can cook for you & clean your shits le. So no more this kind of stunt please. Otherwise, please don't blame me for going berserk. Again. OK??????@#$%^&!!!!


  1. Sure dowan to go? Today Thurs, still not last call.. guccicoachadidasninewestninariccisepritburberrytousmuahahahaha...

  2. aiyoooooooooooo

    I sure... cekik my boys if they did that. Thankfully, here... bath and toilet are separate.

  3. hahhahaha..i will same like mott, if my boys does that i will cekik them!!
